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Call 0418 458 256 now and speak to one of our friendly consultants to arrange a free quote today.

The Colour Palette - Residential Painting


Our trusted Sydney residential painting team have over 20 years’ experience specialising in quality preparation, home renovations, restorative work and colour styling. Call us for a quote on 0418 458 256.

The Colour Palette - Commercial Painting


Our highly skilled Sydney commercial painting experts have painted hair salons, restaurants, warehouses, film and TV sets, industrial buildings, shopping centres and more. Call us for a quote on 0418 458 256.

who we are

At The Colour Palette, our talented and experienced team of Sydney residential and commercial painters will infuse new life into your property with our top-notch painting services.

We are one of the most trusted Sydney painters and are known for providing flawless and affordable services that are designed to provide long-lasting results. Call us now on 0418 458 256 for a personalised quote.


spotlight on

The Colour Palette are the go-to painting and colour experts for a number of prime-time TV productions. Our expertise, can do attitude and reliability means we’ve been lucky enough to be the number one choice for shows like Better Homes and Gardens, The Living Room and now Space Invaders.


latest insight


One of the most common questions people ask is – when is the best time to paint a house? The answer is anytime that is warm and dry. The Colour Palette delivers a range of painting services across Sydney and one of them is advice…

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